Have you ever noticed that when you browse the internet on your mobile device, the site you’re on fits on the screen no matter what device you’re using? That’s a mobile responsive site, and having one is a great way to attract mobile users.
A mobile responsive site changes to fit on any size screen or window while maintaining its functionality and readability. This design allows for the best user experience possible—no pinching or squeezing your screen to read the text.
Mobile Responsive Sites vs. Mobile Sites
Remember that mobile responsive sites and mobile sites are not the same thing. A mobile site is a completely separate site that is a copy of your website, but scaled down for easy navigation. It also has a different domain name. For these reasons, mobile sites have gone out of fashion in recent years.
On the other hand, a responsive site is a single site. It takes your site and automatically adjusts it based on your mobile device’s size and orientation for a more streamlined experience.
Mobile Responsive Sites Are Critical to a Business’s Success
Besides a better user experience, a mobile responsive site since Google’s algorithm update. Google penalizes sites that aren’t mobile friendly. Also, users won’t come back or recommend a site if it’s not mobile friendly.
By making your site mobile responsive, you can attract new users and potentially get a boost in your search engine ranking. A professional web development agency can help you create a mobile responsive site that is optimized and easy to navigate.