As businesses grow, the need for organization and efficiency is of the utmost importance. That is why we created a new position to help jWeb manage and organize projects and other tasks around the office. As such, we would like to welcome our newest member, Liz Keimon, to the team as our internal operations assistant.
Top-Notch Organizational Skills
Before coming to jWeb, Liz worked at her family’s trucking company doing account receivables. She met her husband, a chef, when she worked in the restaurant industry. “A teenage gig,” Liz laughs. Together, they have a five year old daughter.
Liz has worked with our vice-president, Amy, in the past when the two met via their shared love of horses and horse shows. Amy at once noticed her keen organizational skills and knew that someone like her was perfect for the job. When asked what she hopes to accomplish at jWeb, Liz replied that she hopes to help with the efficiency of tasks and organization of projects.
Gaining Sales Knowledge as a Beekeeper
For going on six years now, Liz has kept bees and sold their honey. She says she first became attracted to the idea of beekeeping because “not a lot of people do it.” When she and her husband first moved into their home, they inherited the bees and equipment that goes along with it. Since everything was already established when they moved in, Liz decided to go ahead and jump into it.
From harvesting and packaging her product and getting her name out there, Liz has been around the block a few times, resulting in a flourishing apiary. Combined with her organizational skills, Liz’s experience selling honey has prepared her for the sales side of jWeb. With that combined knowledge, Liz is sure to know how to handle any request aimed her way.