When it comes to posting on social media, there are many things you should and should not do. As a digital marketing agency, we believe in a lot of these suggestions and incorporate them to increase brand awareness or conversion for our clients and ourselves.
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Having social media can be a great way to bring your company to the top of mind for those who are interested in the work you do, or who are interested in working with you. That’s why we have come up with our version of the social media do’s and don’ts.
Do Connect With Others To Form Relationships
Finding others to connect with on social media can be a great way to share ideas on current trends. It can lead you to form relationships with those who value the same things as your business, and bring inspiration for your own work.
Having the ability to interact, like, and share with those you connect with can also bring your company a sense of identity as well. It is a great way to get your company out there and recognized in the business world.
Do Be Consistent With Posting Relevant Content
When you don’t establish an idea from the beginning of what you want to publish on, things can get a confusing for your company.
Keeping consistency throughout your social media pages allows viewers to understand your company’s goals, vibes, and what you deem important. It helps your content flow and gives each post a sense of purpose.
Know what types of media you want your viewers to see before you press post.
Do Post At Relevant Times
Depending on what type of social media you are using, there are certain times to post in order for your content to be better received as a media business.
For Facebook, it is said that Tuesday through Friday are the best days to post, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m
For Instagram, it is best to post your content between Wednesday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in order to reach the most viewers.
And for LinkedIn, Wednesday is the best day to post between 9 a.m. and noon. By posting during these times, you are sure to get better engagement with your posts.
Do Be Unique With What You Post
No one enjoys a copycat, especially when it comes to posting on the internet and social media. Make your content stand out with posts that not only reflect your company, but give it a niche to call its own.
When you find your niche and content style, companies and customers will be able to associate your style with your professionalism and branding. Let them be able to instantly recognize your posts.
Keep your company’s social media content fresh, fun, and inspirational to attract the most viewers.
Do Interact With Your Audience
As you start to create a social media presence for your company, don’t be afraid to ask your followers what they think about your content or for suggestions. This is one of the best ways to make sure that what you do is effectively reaching your clients and followers.
Respond to their comments, tag others, and start a conversation with your posts. This will show your followers that you care about their opinion of your company.
Do Try New Things & Have Fun!
One of the most important of all the “do’s” is to try new things and have fun with your social media accounts. Posting the same content over and over again can get repetitive and boring so get out of your box and expand your horizons! Whether you add something in weekly, monthly, or yearly, as long as you are trying new things you are helping your company grow.
This can lead to reaching new viewers and keeping current followers interested. Plus, getting out of your comfort zone can expand the direction of your content in many other ways, allowing new doors to open in creativity and interaction.
Things We Don’t Suggest
Like the many things we suggested your business consider when using social media, there are many things we would like to suggest you don’t do as a user. Below we share our thoughts on what not to do.
Don’t Overshare
Ever heard of TMI or “Too much information”? Like in our personal lives, too much information can be shared by a business on social media. In the best interest for your company, keep certain things personal unless they reflect the values and opinions of all those associated.
This means no politics (unless you are raising awareness of a topic in your industry and know how to write appropriate copy), no personal life stories, no inappropriate visuals, no curse words; you get the point.
Keep it appropriate and professional.
Don’t Use Poor Grammar & Spelling
When you post content on your social media, using poor grammar or spelling can draw the line between a legit company and one that might aim to spam. No one will take you seriously if you use shorthand or texting language on your social media.
Make sure that everything is spelled correctly and the use of your words makes sense, because that can help your business’s reputation.
Don’t Use Excessive Hashtags Or The Wrong Ones
Ever follow someone that hashtagged every word they used? “Don’t be that person.
Use your hashtags in a purposeful way so they bring you followers or put your post in a relevant content feed.
Before you decide to use a hashtag (either your own or trending), research it first to avoid embarrassing and troublesome mishaps.
Also, depending on what platform is used, keep your hashtags down underneath all of the content and past the “read more” section so it is not distracting to the viewers. This will make your content clean, but purposeful.
#keep #it #simple
Don’t Project Yourself As Needy
When you ask someone to post on your picture or link and comment something, it makes you look needy and obsessive over how you want people to perceive you. Don’t do that. Pushing users to do this will make them want to comment less and cause them to think differently about the confidence of your company.
That does not mean that in your caption you are not allowed to ask a question and encourage them to comment, but specifically tagging people or asking them in person to comment is unattractive and needy.
Don’t Obsess Over The Number Of Followers Or Likes
Not everything is about how many accounts follow you or how many likes you receive, so don’t focus on that as a company. Forming relationships and following those who may benefit you or inspire you are the accounts that will mean the most.
Whether they like your content or not is up to them; but focus on how the likes you attain means the message you wanted to send was received by those viewers. They took the time to look over it and “like” it, which says something
As you grow, people will come to know your name and be interested in what you do, so let them look you up, follow you, and like your posts; but don’t obsess over it.
Hire A Professional Social Media Marketing Agency
Having trouble getting started with social media or don’t have a plan? Hiring a social media marketing agency like jWeb will go a long way in finding the best platform for your company so you can tell your story and make your voice heard.